Braving the Wilderness

I am a huge fan of Brené fangirl fan.  I wrote some about this some here, but I cannot tell you just how much I look forward to anything she writes or records.  My daughter, who is in college, discovered her about a year ago and the conversation went something like this (via text):
HER:  do you know Brené Brown? ME:  like personally? HER: no, like have you seen her TED talk or read her books?  she's pretty awesome, you should check her out ME:  um, yeah....I have read every book I could get my hands on of hers and watched her TED talks and any interview or other video I could find of hers
(I will say at this point that I was shocked beyond shocked that she lived in my home for several years without knowing I love, love, love Brené Brown.  When she asked if I knew her, I wanted to say, "Do you know Captain America?" since my daughter is a huge fan of his.) Back to the point at hand!  Brené Brown recently published a book, Braving the Wilderness, and I was so excited to read it.  She did not disappoint!  I have found myself having conversations with many clients and friends and family and saying, "You need to read Brené Brown's new book."  In true Brené fashion, she goes to the research and helps us all to dig deep into what it means to truly belong in a world becoming more and more disconnected. One of my favorite quotes from the book.  True Brené Brown goodness:
True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness.  True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.
Take a breath and read that again.  Like most of her books, I will likely need to read it and re-read it, maybe find some folks and do a book club and discuss.

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